Homecoming is a Parisian post-metal trio created in 2017, made
up of Théo Guiter on guitar and vocals, Théo Giotti on drums, and
Basile Chevalier on bass. Cheekily describing themselves as 'post-
whatever metal', the band delights in exploring different soundscapes and allow themselves to experiment together in a wide register.
From this came a genre fusion that is as effective as it is improbable,
mixing stonerized electric riffs with Mastodon or Elder, progressive
constructions like The Ocean, followed by furious blastbeats specific
to the post-black metal scene. And as the band draws from all
their collective influences, Théo’s voice soars over, clean or harsh.
LP01 is the culmination of 2 years of studio and stage work. This
5-track album, released in December 2019, is an introduction to the
trio’s progressive and unpredictable world. Promoted when it was
released on MrDoom666 and Weedian, it continues to gain traction in Europe, LP01 is cited by Metal.de as 'a post-metal highlight of 2019'.
Metal(dot)de (GER) : "[...] This hell of a debut album deserves a lot more attention because the quality, the great diversity and awesome production make this record a post-metal highlight."
The Sludgelord (UK) : "[...] The debut album from this French trio offers up a taste of what I'm sure will be an amazing career. With such a wide array of sonic variations presented on “LP-01”, I honestly cannot imagine what will come next from Homecoming, but I sure can't wait to find out.
The Metal Webzine (NY) : "[...] I whole-heartedly loved listening to this album, and it’s one that will easily become a favorite. I am absolutely looking forward to hearing more from this band.
Noizzwebzine (ES) : "[...] One of those records capable of taking you from ethereal atmospheres to the most hostile sound storms without losing that alternative roll that is the band's identity sign. "
The Obelisk (US) : "[...] The intricacy in how the nine-minute “Return” develops and the harmonies that emerge early in closer “Five” tell the tale clearly of Homecoming’s ambitions as they move forward from this already-ambitious debut.
Desert-Rock(dot)com (FR) : "[...] Unpredictability seems to hold a major place for them. At the start of each song, the audience nods, naively thinking they can anticipate the next part. Some might see jaw-dropping constructions but Homecoming fully assumes its multiple aspirations and knows how to sublimate the best of each style in a stoner distillate carefully composed and ultimately very refreshing. »
Check back later for news of live shows!